Saturday, March 31, 2007

Top: Me in the back of C130 on my way home!!
Top Right: Check point that was hit by a tanker truck bomb (the good side)
Left: Me on top of a MIG that has seen better days. This is for my uncle.


Cara said...

You are so bald! Love the pictures. Cool jet.

KickButtMommy said...

Just glad you made it home to your family!

jmr said...

I love you big brother. u have this blog business down! :)

jmr said...

ok. u are starting to slack now!! :)

Sioux said...

So Ben -- When are we gonna hear from you again. I check all of these on a daily basis (sometimes more than once a day) and I miss hearing what's going on in your part of the World. Also, love seeing pix of your family -- they are all so beautiful. C'mon BEN! Don't make us BEG!

FRYBABY said...

So Ben...if I could read Korean I would know when your last blog was entered!! I DO know that it has been way too long since you last posted! Get with it. We want some pics of your family! And we want to hear what's been going on in your part of town! Miss ya...

Anonymous said...

Thanks sweet nephew for opening up your blog to those of us who only want to comment on others' blogs and not specifically create a blog of our own. You know, those of us who always have opinions to share!
Love all the news we get about the Korean side of the family. Miss seeing your pretty faces in person, though. Beware, I'm checking your blog all the time.